Spanish Fly
Spanish Fly 101
If you were a teen or an adult in the 80s then you'll have no doubt
heard of Spanish Fly from the plethora of sexual comedies that were
released during that decade. According to 'legend', if slipped into a
woman's beverage it could make her hot and extremely turned on. But
is this fabled legend true? Yes and no. It can cause human beings to
become extremely aroused, but it only works on men – not women. In
addition, it can actually be fatal. Yes, that's right, Spanish Fly
can be fatal if consumed (see why there is such a myth and a level of
mystique surrounding it now?!).
What is Spanish Fly and how did it get its name?
These two questions are by far and away the most commonly asked
question where Spanish Fly is concerned. Many people don't buy into
the fact that it comes from an insect – but it does. It isn't a fly
though – it's actually a beetle (although the subspecies it is
within is known as 'Spanish flies', so there is some relation to flies
after all). The type of beetle it comes from is often referred to as
a blister beetle (you'll find out why soon enough), and wherever they
exist you can bet your bottom dollar that they have been and are
still being used as aphrodisiacs (despite being banned in numerous
So what does this specific type of 'blister' beetle do to make it a
(supposedly) potent aphrodisiac? They contain a chemical called
Cantharidin, and it is for this reason that they are known as blister
beetles. Cantharidin can be poisonous and can actually blister the
skin if it comes into contact with it.
You're probably wondering why blister beetles produce this specific
chemical. Scientists have come to the conclusion that it has two
purposes. Firstly, it is used to make the blister beetle as
unappealing and unappetising as physically possible. If a predator
tastes the canthardin then it will run a mile. Secondly, it has a
function within mating and reproduction. If a male and female mate
then the male will provide Cantharidin to the female for the sole
purpose of protecting the eggs.
If you've ever encountered Cantharidin (I hope you haven't!) then
you'll know just how potent it is. It is a potent irritant (it has
been used for centuries to remove growths, warts, moles – even
tattoos!), but when rubbed on a man's parts can induce extreme
tumescence for many, many hours. According to those that have used
it, the erections are rarely completely pleasurable as the swelling
and time the erection exists for actually causes pain.
'But how does it cause death?' I hear you cry from behind your
computer screen. Well, even a very minor dose can induce erections
that may require medical treatment. As it is an extremely powerful
irritant it can also cause heart and respiratory issues, kidney
problems (even failure), abdominal cramps and pain, induce a coma and
even cause death. You'll be glad to know that with the inception of
such drugs like viagra and cialis, in addition to many natural
remedies (that have varying levels of efficacy), authentic, genuine
Spanish Fly doesn't exist any more – especially not in the Western
world. That being said, if you are being offered it, do not accept
For all your sakes, if you're ever sold Spanish Fly, I hope you
receive a fake dose rather than a real one!
To learn more about Spanish Fly then we highly recommend heading over
to the following website:
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